Wood, brass, steel, aluminum, resin, plastic, glass and electric lighting. With the artist's copyright inkstamp on the underside. Only 1000 pieces were produced. The work is a 1:6 scale reproduction of New York’s smallest gallery space, measuring at an unprecedented one square meter, The Wrong Gallery which was located at 516 A ½ West 20th Street in Chelsea from 2002 to 2005. For this work, Cattelan expertly renders, in miniature scale, the gallery which has since reopened in the Tate Modern.
The Wrong Gallery
46 x 28 X 6 cm
- Pulgadas
- Centímetros
Wood, brass, steel, aluminum, resin, plastic, glass and electric lighting. With the artist's copyright inkstamp on the underside. Only 1000 pieces were produced. The work is a 1:6 scale reproduction of New York’s smallest gallery space, measuring at an unprecedented one square meter, The Wrong Gallery which was located at 516 A ½ West 20th Street in Chelsea from 2002 to 2005. For this work, Cattelan expertly renders, in miniature scale, the gallery which has since reopened in the Tate Modern.
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¿Qué es el arte conceptual?
A veces llamado Conceptualismo, es una forma de arte en la que la idea o concepto detrás de la obra tiene prioridad sobre las preocupaciones materiales y la estética tradicional. Muchas obras de arte conceptual pueden ser creadas por cualquier persona simplemente siguiendo las instrucciones escritas. El concepto o la idea es el aspecto más fundamental de la obra de arte.