Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


Marisa Merz

Originele Kunstwerken & Gesigneerde Edities Te Koop

Marisa Merz was a multimedia painter and sculptor, as well as the only female artist to be associated with the artistic movement Arte Povera. Since Merz was born in Italy, she was located at the very heart of the movement. Arte Povera promoted a return to simplicity above all else and emphasized the idea that there was significant meaning in the everyday.
« There has never been any division between my life and my work. »
Marisa Merz
Though Merz's sculptures express these themes, her work is just as much an exploration of her own existence. Merz is known for her use of the humble, nontraditional art materials she incorporates into her paintings and multimedia installations.
« I’m not interested in power or in career; only myself and the world interest me. I can do little, very little. I am battling against malice and competition. I cannot escape the reality I see. »
Marisa Merz

Some of the things she has used in her work include wire, clay, copper, and many different types of fabric. Marisa Merz takes the themes of the everyday a step further by making use of techniques that would not typically be considered fine art - examples include weaving and knitting. Combining these materials and techniques gives Marisa Merz's work an interesting and particularly relevant edge.

Marisa Merz

Untitled, 2018

Editie / Print


Momenteel Niet Beschikbaar

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Bezit u een kunstwerk van Marisa Merz dat u wilt verkopen?
Stuur ons de details. Wij zijn voortdurend op zoek naar uitzonderlijke stukken voor onze collectie.

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Wat is feministische kunst?

Wat is feministische kunst?

Feministische kunst verwijst naar de kunst die voortkwam uit de feministische kunstbeweging in de jaren 1960 en 1970. Het ontwikkelde zich met de bedoeling de genderidealen van de 20e eeuw te bekritiseren en de traditionele canon van de kunstgeschiedenis uit te dagen. Feministische kunst streeft ernaar een dialoog te creëren tussen het kunstwerk en de toeschouwer door middel van een feministische lens, waarbij vaak thema's als gender, identiteit en sociale rechtvaardigheid aan bod komen.

Julie Mehretu’s Untitled (Pulse)

Julie Mehretu

Untitled (Pulse), 2013

Editie / Print


GBP 8,000 - 10,000

Julie Mehretu’s Sapphic Strophe 2

Julie Mehretu

Sapphic Strophe 2 (from Sapphic Strophes: A Suite Of Four Prints, 2011

Editie / Print

Reliëf Print

GBP 5,000 - 7,000

Imi Knoebel’s Gartenbild 9

Imi Knoebel

Gartenbild 9 (Garden Image 9), 2008/2015

Editie / Print


GBP 10,000 - 13,000

Julie Mehretu’s Sapphic Strophe 4

Julie Mehretu

Sapphic Strophe 4 (from Sapphic Strophes: A Suite Of Four Prints), 2011

Editie / Print

Reliëf Print

GBP 3,000 - 5,000