Marcel Duchamp
Marcel Duchamp (France/USA, 1887–1968) was a revolutionary artist whose ideas reshaped 20th-century art. Known for his readymades like Fountain (1917), Duchamp challenged traditional notions of art and aesthetics. A key figure in Dada and conceptual art, his influence spans movements such as Surrealism and Minimalism, cementing his legacy as a modern art pioneer.

What is Surrealism?
Surrealism began in the 1920s as an art and literary movement with the goal of revealing the unconscious mind and unleashing the imagination by exploring unusual and dream-like imagery. Influenced by Sigmund Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis, Surrealist artists and writers sought to bring the unconscious into rational life, blurring the lines between reality and dreams. The movement aimed to challenge conventional perceptions and express the irrational aspects of the human experience.