Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What are found objects?

What are found objects?

Found objects (or objet trouvé in French) are everyday items that an artist finds and incorporates into a work of art. While collectors have displayed aesthetically pleasing objects for centuries, modern art often uses objects that originally had non-artistic functions, such as recycled or repurposed materials.

Artwork by Marcel Duchamp

Neo-Dada is a minor visual and audio art movement with intents similar to those of Dada artwork. While it revives some of Dada's objectives, Neo-Dada emphasizes the importance of the produced artwork rather than the concept behind it. The movement is considered the foundation of Pop Art, Nouveau Réalisme, and Fluxus. Neo-Dada is known for its use of absurdist contrasts, popular imagery, and modern materials, blending high and low culture in a way that challenges traditional artistic conventions.


Painting is the process of applying media to a surface, using a tool such as a brush. The term refers to both the action and the resulting object. Artists use many tools to paint, such as brushes, airbrushes, palette knives, sponges or fingers and hands.


CoBrA stands for Copenhagen, Brussels, and Amsterdam; the group was formed with a desire to break away from the existing art movements of the time. Their critique of Western society led them to experiment and evolve into a significant international movement. CoBrA was founded on November 8, 1948, at the Notre Dame Café in Paris, where its manifesto was signed by Karel Appel, Joseph Noiret, Corneille, Christian Dotremont, Constant, and Asger Jorn. The group was united by a shared commitment to freedom in both form and color, and their work emphasized experimentation and spontaneity.

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