Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a cast?

What is a cast?

A cast is a form created by pouring a liquid material, such as plastic, plaster, acrylic, concrete, or mixed media, into a mold. Once the liquid cools and fully solidifies, the cast is removed from the mold, revealing the final shape. This process is widely used in sculpture, manufacturing, and various forms of art to replicate intricate designs and shapes.

Image © FamStudio/Shutterstock
Feminist art

Feminist art refers to the art that emerged from the feminist art movement during the 1960s and 1970s. It developed with the intention of critiquing 20th-century gender ideals and challenging the traditional canon of art history. Feminist art seeks to create a dialogue between the artwork and the viewer through a feminist lens, often addressing issues of gender, identity, and social justic

Interactive art

Interactive art is a form of art where the spectator is actively involved by the artist to achieve the artwork's purpose. This involvement can include allowing the visitor to walk around, in, or on the art installation, or even becoming a part of the artwork itself. Works in this category often feature computers, sensors, and interfaces that respond to various inputs such as meteorological changes, heat, motion, or other types of data programmed by the artist.


Plaster is a mixture of heat-treated powdered gypsum combined with water to create a workable material. It can be used to make solid sculptures, cast in molds, carved, modeled, or attached to other materials. Artists have used plaster for both working models and finished artworks for centuries due to its versatility.

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