Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a monochrome?

What is a monochrome?

Monochromatic describes paintings, photographs, designs, or drawings that utilize one color or various shades of a single color. Monochromatic objects have a limited range of hues. While the term often refers to black and white or grayscale images, it can also apply to any artwork that contains tones of just one color.

Image © BoConcept/Shutterstock
Hard Edge art

Hard Edge art is a style of abstract painting that became popular in the 1960s. It features areas of color separated by crisp, sharp edges that are painted with geometric precision. The term hard-edge painting was coined by art critic Jules Langsner to describe this approach, which contrasts with the softer, more fluid forms of other abstract styles.

Drawing / Watercolor

Drawing and watercolor are two traditional art techniques which stand alone as media, but are often used in conjunction with each other. Drawing can create the basic outlines for watercolor painting. Drawing over dried watercolor or using watercolor pencils are combined media techniques.


Bauhaus was a school of art, design and architecture established in Weimar, Germany. Architect Wlater Gropius established it in 1919. Bauhaus used a method for teaching within a community of artists working together and incorporating art in the fundamentals of daily life.

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