Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

What is a multiple?

What is a multiple?

Multiples refer to a series of identical art objects produced in limited editions according to the artist's concept. These works are specifically created for sale and are often considered the most affordable and accessible form of contemporary art. What sets multiples apart is their lack of uniqueness, which is typically seen as essential in traditional artworks. Instead, they offer value and enjoyment while making contemporary art more widely available.

Art Informel

Art Informel is a French term referring to the gestural and improvisational techniques common in abstract painting during the 1940s and 50s. It encompasses various styles that dominated these decades, characterized by informal, spontaneous methods. Artists used this term to describe approaches that moved away from traditional structures and embraced more expressive, unstructured techniques.


Montage is a film editing technique where a series of shots are edited into a sequence to condense time, convey information, and manage space within the narrative. While it primarily refers to this method in film, the term can also be used in various other contexts to describe the assembly of disparate elements into a cohesive whole.

Geometric Abstract art

Geometric abstraction is a form of abstract art that uses geometric shapes arranged in a non-illusionistic space (though not always) and combined into non-representational (non-objective) compositions. Based on years of artistic research, some artists have proposed that geometric abstraction offers a solution to modern challenges by rejecting traditional illusionistic practices in favor of clarity and simplicity.

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