Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is a plate?

What is a plate?

A plate is a broad, primarily flat vessel used for serving food, but it can also serve ceremonial or decorative purposes. Plates are typically circular, though they can be any shape and made from various water-resistant materials. Most plates have raised edges, either by curving upward or featuring a wider lip. Vessels without a raised edge or with a more rounded profile are often considered bowls or dishes, while very large, plate-shaped vessels might also be classified as dishes.

Artwork by Stephan Balkenhol
Shock Art

Shock Art is an art movement that uses disturbing images, scents, or sounds to provoke a strong, often shocked, reaction from viewers. It is often regarded as a form of social commentary, with critics and supporters debating whether its impact is positive or negative. Shock Art frequently employs taboo, obscene, or outrageous elements to challenge societal norms and provoke critical thought.

Limited Edition Print

A limited edition print is one of a number of prints made at the same time from one printmaking plate. A fixed number are made and signed by the artist, indicating the printing order, using the format 1/10, meaning first of ten prints.

Behavior Art

A Chinese term that describes performance art. This concept is relatively new and may be challenging to articulate unless people understand the intentions behind it. It is a flexible concept that emphasizes everyday, common, and community-focused elements. The art form is heightened, refined, and reflective of how people behave, move, and live.

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