What is a replica?
A replica is a copy of an artwork that is so precisely made that it is nearly indistinguishable from the original. Artists may create replicas of their own work, or replicas can be produced for educational purposes, preservation, or display when the original cannot be shown. While replicas aim to closely mimic the original, they are usually identified as reproductions rather than original works.
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Postminimalism refers to a range of art styles that emerged in the 1960s, following the Minimalism movement. While Minimalism focused on simplicity and impersonality, Postminimalist artists retained some elements of Minimalism but also explored greater expressiveness, experimenting with new materials and techniques. This movement includes various forms of art such as conceptual art, body art, performance art, process art, and site-specific works. Postminimalism represents a shift toward more personal, tactile, and process-oriented approaches to art-making.
Installation art is a three-dimensional artistic genre that involves site-specific works designed to alter the viewer's perception of space. These works are typically created for interior spaces, such as museums and galleries, but can also be found in private and public locations. Installation art can be temporary or permanent, depending on its purpose and setting.