Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

What is an object?

What is an object?

An object in art refers to any tangible thing that exists and can be depicted in a work of art. Sometimes, the object becomes the focal point of a painting, drawing, or sculpture, meaning it is the most important element in the composition. An object can be anything that can be seen or touched, and it is often used to convey meaning or emphasize certain aspects of the artwork.

Richard Prince

Pure Thoughts - Live Free or Die, 2007

Sculpture / Object


GBP 7,750

Anthony Caro

House Pitch, 2011

Sculpture / Object


Inquire For Price

Rafael Jesus Soto

Dos Cuadraditos, 1972

Sculpture / Object


USD 9,800

Anthony Caro

Table Piece Y-30, 1984

Sculpture / Object


Inquire For Price

Anthony Caro

Table Piece Z-39, 1981

Sculpture / Object


Inquire For Price

Anthony Caro

Table piece S-13, 1994

Sculpture / Object


Inquire For Price

Anthony Caro

Low Table Piece CCCCXXXI, 1977

Sculpture / Object


Inquire For Price

Karel Appel

Jumping dog II, 1978

Sculpture / Object


USD 16,500

William Sweetlove

Cloned Chihuahua with shoes, 2008

Sculpture / Object


EUR 1,750

Julio Le Parc

Tranger, 2016

Sculpture / Object


Currently Not Available

Julio Le Parc

Tulles – lumières, 2019

Sculpture / Object


EUR 5,000

Carlos Cruz-Diez

Couleur à l’espace nova, 2012

Sculpture / Object


EUR 9,000

Carlos Cruz-Diez

Cromointerferencia manipulable feria estampa, 2011

Limited Edition Print


EUR 5,000

Ludwig Wilding

SBST 2827, 1993

Sculpture / Object


EUR 1,500

Ludwig Wilding

SBST 2838, 2000

Sculpture / Object


EUR 1,500

Ludwig Wilding

SBST 2823, 1993

Sculpture / Object


EUR 1,500

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Cracking Art Group

This Italian art movement includes artists from Italy, Belgium, and France who are known for creating public installations using recyclable plastic to craft massive animal sculptures. The artwork explores the rupture between the synthetic and natural worlds, with the plastic construction symbolizing the synthetic, and the animal forms representing the natural world.

Drawing / Watercolor

Drawing and watercolor are two traditional art techniques which stand alone as media, but are often used in conjunction with each other. Drawing can create the basic outlines for watercolor painting. Drawing over dried watercolor or using watercolor pencils are combined media techniques.


Postminimalism refers to a range of art styles that emerged in the 1960s, following the Minimalism movement. While Minimalism focused on simplicity and impersonality, Postminimalist artists retained some elements of Minimalism but also explored greater expressiveness, experimenting with new materials and techniques. This movement includes various forms of art such as conceptual art, body art, performance art, process art, and site-specific works. Postminimalism represents a shift toward more personal, tactile, and process-oriented approaches to art-making.

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