Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Calligraphy?

What is Calligraphy?

Calligraphy is a visual art closely related to writing, involving the creation of decorative lettering or handwriting using a brush or pen. Contemporary calligraphy is the art of giving form to letters and symbols in a harmonious, expressive, and skillful manner. It ranges from functional designs and inscriptions to fine art pieces where the letters may be readable or abstract.

Image © Zhenia Perutska/Shutterstock
Lyrical Abstraction

Lyrical abstraction is a descriptive term characterizing a type of abstract painting closely related to Abstract Expressionism, in use from the 1940s to the present. The term can also describe two distinct but related trends in post-World War II modernist painting. This art movement originated in Paris, France, after the war, emphasizing personal expression, spontaneity, and the emotional use of color and form.

Op Art

Op Art is a visual art style that uses optical illusions to create the impression of movement, vibrating patterns, flashing, or hidden images. The works are typically abstract, with many well-known pieces in black and white. The roots of Op Art can be traced back to earlier movements like Futurism, Constructivism, Dada, and Neo-Impressionism, particularly in their use of color effects and graphic design.


Lettrism is an art form that uses letters, words, and symbols to create artwork. The movement was established in Paris in the 1940s and later gained popularity in the 1950s in America. Lettrisme is the French spelling of the movement's name, derived from the French word for letter.

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