Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

What is cement?

What is cement?

Cement refers to a variety of mixtures, typically made from clay, limestone, water, sand, and gravel, which form concrete used in construction. The term to cement also means to join or unite materials. In art, cement can refer to the process of securely gluing or bonding elements together, often used in sculptural work or mixed media.


Spatialism is an art movement that originated in Italy in 1947, founded by Lucio Fontana with the intention of synthesizing sound, color, movement, and space into a new form of art. The movement's central ideas were outlined in Fontana's first manifesto, published in 1947, where he introduced the concept of spatial art to capture the spirit of the post-war era. His ideas were further developed in five subsequent manifestos. Although Fontana's ideas were sometimes considered vague, his influence was significant, as he was one of the first European artists to emphasize art as a performance and gesture.

Computer Art

Computer art refers to any type of digital imagery or graphic artwork created using a computer. Art curators often classify art made with computers as either digital art or new media art. Artists creating computer art leverage technological advancements to produce complex compositions.

Funk Art

In the 1960s, Funk Art emerged as a reactive movement against Abstract Expressionism. It was widely known as an anti-establishment movement, with the name derived from the jazz term funky. This term carried both positive and negative connotations: in the jazz world, it described passion, quirkiness, and sensuality, but it could also refer to a foul odor. Funk Art was particularly popular in the California Bay Area. While the artists of the Funk Art era shared similar attitudes and styles, they did not see themselves as part of a formal group or movement.

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