What is Colour Field Painting?
Colour Field Painting is an abstract style characterized by large areas of a single color or simple, solid colors. The term was first used in the 1950s to describe the work of three American Abstract Expressionist painters—Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko, and Clyfford Still. Their work emphasized the emotional power of color and the creation of vast, meditative spaces through expansive color fields.
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Cement refers to a variety of mixtures, typically made from clay, limestone, water, sand, and gravel, which form concrete used in construction. The term to cement also means to join or unite materials. In art, cement can refer to the process of securely gluing or bonding elements together, often used in sculptural work or mixed media.

A photograph is an image captured with a camera. Traditionally, photographs were made by exposing film and then developing the image on light-sensitive paper using chemicals. Today, photographs can also be captured digitally and printed or displayed electronically. The process requires a camera, whether film or digital, and a photographer.