Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Décollage?

What is Décollage?

Décollage is an art technique involving the removal, cutting, or tearing away of parts of an original image. The term comes from the French word meaning to take off or to unstick. Artists use this method to challenge or replace existing values, often symbolically tearing away influences from media or conventional thinking.

Image © Photo Boutique/Shutterstock
Sculpture / Object

A sculpture is a three-dimension object made using any one of the basic sculpting processes. These include carving, casting, constructing or modeling. Carving materials may be bone, ivory, stone or wood. Modeling and casting use clay or wax, while constructions glue materials together.

Pop art

Pop Art is an art movement that began in Britain in 1955 and in the late 1950s in the U.S. It challenged traditional fine arts by incorporating imagery from popular culture, such as news, advertising, and comic books. Pop Art often isolates and recontextualizes materials, combining them with unrelated elements. The movement is more about the attitudes and ideas that inspired it than the specific art itself. Pop Art is seen as a reaction against the dominant ideas of Abstract Expressionism, bringing everyday consumer culture into the realm of fine art.


Anti-Art refers to artwork that challenges traditional definitions of art. The term is often attributed to artist Marcel Duchamp, who pioneered the use of readymades—everyday objects presented as art. These works defied conventional expectations that art should adhere to traditional or high art standards.

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