Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is De Stijl?

What is De Stijl?

De Stijl, meaning The Style, was a group of Dutch artists who created abstract art based on strict adherence to vertical and horizontal geometry. The group was founded by Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg in 1917. Mondrian eventually left De Stijl when Van Doesburg began incorporating diagonal geometry into his work, which Mondrian felt deviated from the group's principles.


A photograph is an image captured with a camera. Traditionally, photographs were made by exposing film and then developing the image on light-sensitive paper using chemicals. Today, photographs can also be captured digitally and printed or displayed electronically. The process requires a camera, whether film or digital, and a photographer.


Décollage is an art technique involving the removal, cutting, or tearing away of parts of an original image. The term comes from the French word meaning to take off or to unstick. Artists use this method to challenge or replace existing values, often symbolically tearing away influences from media or conventional thinking.


Woodcut is a printing technique where an image is carved into the surface of a woodblock using gouges, with the remaining flat surface holding the ink for printing. The areas cut away by the artist do not carry ink, while the uncut areas do, producing the desired print. The carving follows the wood's grain, unlike wood engraving, where the block is cut across the end-grain. Ink is applied to the surface with a roller, ensuring only the flat, uncarved areas receive ink, leaving the recessed, non-printing areas clean.

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