What is feminist art?
Feminist art refers to the art that emerged from the feminist art movement during the 1960s and 1970s. It developed with the intention of critiquing 20th-century gender ideals and challenging the traditional canon of art history. Feminist art seeks to create a dialogue between the artwork and the viewer through a feminist lens, often addressing issues of gender, identity, and social justic
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Watercolor refers to both the medium and the resulting artwork created using pigments suspended in a water-soluble vehicle. Watercolors are known for their luminous, transparent appearance because the pigments are applied in pure form with minimal fillers. By adding Chinese white, the watercolor can become opaque, resembling gouache.

Intaglio is a printmaking technique where a design is incised below the surface of a metal or stone plate. Ink is applied to the plate, filling the incised lines or depressions, while the surface is wiped clean. The ink in the depressions is then transferred to paper using an etching press. Common intaglio techniques include engraving, etching, and drypoint.