What is Gestural?
Gestural art is a term that describes painting with freely sweeping brushstrokes. The primary goal of gestural art is to allow the artist to physically express emotional impulses. The varied, yet expressive paint marks are intended to convey the artist's inner thoughts and emotions, which viewers are believed to understand through the dynamic and spontaneous application of paint.
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Jim Dine
The Realistic Poet Assassinated, 1970 / 1971
Limited Edition Print
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Acrylic sculpture refers to both a process and the resulting object. The artist begins by creating a sculpture from clay, plaster, or epoxy, which is then used to make a flexible mold. Melted acrylic is poured into the mold, and once it cures, the acrylic piece is hand-finished through sanding and polishing. Acrylic sculptures are valued for their clarity, durability, and ability to achieve intricate details.

Photogravure is a high-quality printing process that involves etching a photograph onto a copper plate. The plate is inked and pressed onto paper, producing fine art prints with detailed, soft tones and rich textures. Developed in the 19th century, photogravure is renowned for its ability to create art reproductions with exceptional depth and subtlety.