Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

What is Manifesto Invencionista?

What is Manifesto Invencionista?

The Manifesto Invencionista was published in 1946, marking the beginning of the concrete art movement in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Written by artist Tomás Maldonado and published by the Asociación Arte Concreto-Invención, the manifesto announced the principles of Concrete Art. Concrete art is purely abstract, with no reference to visual reality, emphasizing geometric forms and the materiality of the artwork itself.


Resin can be derived from both natural sources, such as pine sap, and synthetic processes. Natural resin comes from tree sap, while synthetic resin is a type of dense, easily molded plastic. Resin is commonly used in sculpture, and it can also enhance the vibrancy of paint colors.


Photography is the process of creating an image on light sensitive materials. The image is produced by using a camera, which has a lens that focuses on light either reflected or emitted from an object. These visible wavelengths are used to reproduce the image seen.


Linocut is a printmaking technique similar to woodcut, where a sheet of linoleum is used as the relief surface. The design is carved into the linoleum using a V-shaped gouge or chisel, creating raised areas that form a mirror image of the final print. Ink is applied to the raised areas with a roller, and the linoleum sheet is then pressed onto fabric or paper. The printing can be done by hand or with a press.

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