Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch


What is Massurrealism ?

What is Massurrealism ?

Massurrealism is a portmanteau word coined by American artist James Seehafer in 1992. He observed a trend among postmodern artists who blended themes and aesthetic styles with mass media, including elements of pop art. Massurrealism is a development of surrealism that emphasizes the technological effects on the imagery of contemporary surrealism. The key difference between massurrealism and surrealism is that the latter was founded in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, while massurrealism is rooted in the influence of modern technology and media.

Massurreal image by Chip Simons

Conté is a vivid, waxy crayon invented by Nicolas-Jacques Conté in 1795. Artists use Conté crayons for detailed drawing, shading large areas, and blending colors. The tips can be sharpened with sanding pads for precision, or the sides can be dragged flat for broad shading.


Metal has been traditionally used in art for creating sculptures, jewelry, masks, adornments, tools, and weapons, often featuring decorative elements. Common types of metal used include bronze, brass, cast iron, gray iron, copper, gold, tin, wrought iron, and silver.

Digital Print on paper

Digital print on paper refers to a digital image printed with archival-grade inks on high-quality, acid-free paper. This process ensures the print can last over twenty years if properly stored. The digital file allows for future prints to be made as needed.

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