What is resin?
Resin can be derived from both natural sources, such as pine sap, and synthetic processes. Natural resin comes from tree sap, while synthetic resin is a type of dense, easily molded plastic. Resin is commonly used in sculpture, and it can also enhance the vibrancy of paint colors.
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William Sweetlove
African dog with shoes and water bottles, 2011
Sculpture / Object
EUR 6,000 - 8,000

Gestural art is a term that describes painting with freely sweeping brushstrokes. The primary goal of gestural art is to allow the artist to physically express emotional impulses. The varied, yet expressive paint marks are intended to convey the artist's inner thoughts and emotions, which viewers are believed to understand through the dynamic and spontaneous application of paint.

Comic strip art refers to artwork that utilizes the subject matter and commercial printing techniques found in comic strips. In the 1960s, a group of artists began creating paintings that incorporated Ben-Day dots—commonly used in comics and advertising—to produce highly graphic designs in bright colors, using traditional art media.