Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

What is Surrealism?

What is Surrealism?

Surrealism began in the 1920s as an art and literary movement with the goal of revealing the unconscious mind and unleashing the imagination by exploring unusual and dream-like imagery. Influenced by Sigmund Freud’s theories of psychoanalysis, Surrealist artists and writers sought to bring the unconscious into rational life, blurring the lines between reality and dreams. The movement aimed to challenge conventional perceptions and express the irrational aspects of the human experience.

Pablo Picasso

Etreinte VII, 1963

Limited Edition Print

Mixed Media

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Robert Motherwell

No. 12 (from The Basque Suite), 1971

Limited Edition Print


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Roberto Matta

Untitled XXI (from Come Detta Dentro Vo Significando), 1962

Limited Edition Print


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Man Ray

Untitled (from On the Origin of Species by Irrational Selection), 1971

Limited Edition Print


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Roberto Matta

Untitled (from Fog Mog Magog), 1971

Limited Edition Print


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Marc Chagall

Tribe of Joseph CS22, 1964

Limited Edition Print


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Roberto Matta

Sur Matta II, 1970

Limited Edition Print


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Roberto Matta

Untitled (from The International Association of Art Portfolio), 1970

Limited Edition Print


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Joan Miró

Untitled X (from Flux de l'Aimant), 1964

Limited Edition Print

Etching and Aquatint

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Joan Miró

Untitled (from Quelques Fleurs Pour Des Amis), 1964

Limited Edition Print


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Marc Chagall

Autoportrait, 1968

Limited Edition Print

Etching and Aquatint

Currently Not Available

Joan Miró

Rouge et Bleu, 1960

Limited Edition Print


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Joan Miró

Le Lezard aux Plumes d'Ord 3, 1971

Limited Edition Print


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Marc Chagall

The Tribe of Judah, 1964

Limited Edition Print


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Pablo Picasso

Picador ashtray, 1952

Sculpture / Object


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Marc Chagall

Notre-Dame et la Tour Eiffel, 1960

Limited Edition Print


USD 7,200

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Marble is a rare and expensive metamorphic rock composed of recrystallized limestone. It has been used for centuries to create statues, decorative floors, and walls due to its translucency and durability. Marble is ideal for both free-standing statues and relief sculptures. When carving, the material is chiseled away in small increments to achieve the desired form.


Engraving is a printmaking technique where a metal plate or surface is directly cut using a sharp engraving tool called a burin. The tool creates deep lines or grooves, which are then filled with ink. The plate is pressed onto paper with heavy pressure, transferring the inked image. This process results in a clear and precise print.


Ink is a colored liquid or paste used for writing, drawing, painting, and printing. The term also refers to the process of applying ink to mark, cover, stain, draw, or trace over pencil lines. Ink can be applied using various tools, such as pens, brushes, and quills.

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