Sam Francis

Untitled, 1984

106.7 X 73 inch

What is wood?

What is wood?

Wood is one of the most ancient and versatile materials used in creating art. It has served as a base for paintings, brush handles, pens, and pencils, as well as for easels, wood engraving, woodcut, woodblock printing, and sculpting. Various types of wood, such as oak, maple, and pine, are commonly used in these artistic applications.


Better Knowing, 2023

Sculpture / Object


GBP 20,000 - 30,000

Jeff Koons

Seated Ballerina, 2015

Sculpture / Object


EUR 85,000 - 100,000

Stephan Balkenhol

Relief Mann, 2010

Sculpture / Object


EUR 60,000 - 70,000

Marina Apollonio

Dinamica Circolare Ellisse 6Z, 1969-2022

Sculpture / Object


EUR 1,500

Joe Tilson

Stele for Dionysos, 1981

Sculpture / Object


EUR 3,650

Karel Appel

Couple in Wood, 1975

Sculpture / Object


Currently Not Available

Karel Appel

Flower with Blue Eyes, 1977

Sculpture / Object


USD 6,990

Marina Apollonio

Dinamica Circolare 6 S+S, 1966-2020

Sculpture / Object


EUR 3,500

Marina Apollonio

Dinamica Circolare 6B Ruotato, 1968-2020

Sculpture / Object


EUR 3,500

Josef Felix Müller

Stuhl (Kopf), 1992

Sculpture / Object


EUR 5,000

Jan De Cock

Construction module Tate Modern M8-D53-14022005 C, 2005

Sculpture / Object


EUR 10,000

Geneviève Claisse

ADN jaune, 1972-2016

Sculpture / Object


Currently Not Available

Julian Opie

modern towers, 2018

Sculpture / Object


EUR 11,000

David Nash

Birch crack and warp column, 1999

Sculpture / Object


Inquire For Price

David Nash

Tongue and groove stove, 1983

Sculpture / Object


Inquire For Price

Richard Artschwager

Untitled (Box with drawers), 1971

Sculpture / Object


Currently Not Available

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Grupo Frente

Grupo Frente was a movement founded in 1954 in Brazil by teaching artist Ivan Serpa. The movement included many students from the Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art and sought to reject the nationalism and figuration present in the modernist forms of Brazilian painting. Grupo Frente emphasized experimentation and abstraction, aiming to explore new artistic possibilities beyond traditional constraints.

Funk Art

In the 1960s, Funk Art emerged as a reactive movement against Abstract Expressionism. It was widely known as an anti-establishment movement, with the name derived from the jazz term funky. This term carried both positive and negative connotations: in the jazz world, it described passion, quirkiness, and sensuality, but it could also refer to a foul odor. Funk Art was particularly popular in the California Bay Area. While the artists of the Funk Art era shared similar attitudes and styles, they did not see themselves as part of a formal group or movement.

East Village Art

In 1981, Patti Astor opened the first art gallery in New York City's East Village, helping to launch the careers of various artists and musicians. The gallery started small but quickly gained popularity, contributing to the emergence of art movements such as Neo-Expressionism and Street Art in the area. The East Village became a hub for these new artistic expressions. However, the gallery closed in 1985 due to waning interest.

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